02 May, 2010

Smoking is Stupid

As the title I write, smoking is stupid. No matter how I look at it. No matter who sip it, smoking's still stupid. Why do lot of people smoke? Kind of mass stupidity in society.

Why do smoke? What do smoking give? To look cool? Cigarette contain "tar". Tar, also known as total particulate matter, is inhaled when the smoker draws on a lighted cigarette. In its condensate form, tar is the sticky brown substance (filled with chemicals) which can stain smokers’ fingers and teeth yellow-brown. All cigarettes produce tar but the brands differ in amounts. So, do yellow-brown teeth with black lips and red eyes caused by constant smoke is cool?

To calm yourself? I don't think so. Cigarette contain nicotine, and Nicotine is contained in the moisture of the tobacco leaf: when the cigarette is lit, it evaporates, attaching itself to minute droplets in the tobacco smoke inhaled by the smoker. It is absorbed by the body very quickly, reaching the brain within 7-15 seconds.

It stimulates the central nervous system, increasing the heart beat rate and blood pressure, leading to the heart needing more oxygen. Carbon Monoxide, the main poisonous gas in car exhausts, is present in all cigarette smoke. It binds to haemoglobin much more readily than oxygen, thus causing the blood to carry less oxygen.

So, when smoking, the heart beat increase. Is it calming?

Because everyone do it? So if  society think peeing on others lawn  is ok, then it's ok?

Why do people thinks it's ok while it's not ok? To much question in my head. It's a stupidity for generation, for millenium. Why don't people think? And why don't people act? Why does the government allow stupidity? Well, government now somehow is stupidity.

Lot of people make an excuse of smoking. "Because i couldn't stop", " I do this for my country, because cigarettes is one of the top tax revenue", "Because my friend do it", lot of nonsense. Where is humanity? If i'm a human, then what are the smokers? If smokers are the so called normal human, then what am I?

note: some of the article are taken from this site