22 April, 2010

2nd attempt to make 7 arts for 7 days: tuesday & wednesday

Internet connection going bad yesterday. I use cheap dial-up connection so I'm not expecting much from it. Today my $5 a month dial-up internet goes preety stable so I can update my works and make up for yesterday. Here's my tuesday:
And it was ugly as always. I use my canon s3is to capture, and i use GIMP to adjust the brightness, and I use my laziness to not cleaning the file first :D. I want to draw my girlfriend, but it ended up not as I hope. Here's my Wednesday art:
This is Canti from FLCL series which I admire the design so much. This would be better be categorize as fanart. I use GIMP as always. At the first hour of painting I still have energy to refine the detail. As the time goes by, my stamina didn't catch up with my desire, this is when I start draw the wing, the feather, the cloud, and etc that looks ugly. I just realize that painting require patience and stamina which I am lack of.

It took me about 4 hour to finish this one. God, it's a pain in my back. Originally I paint it in 3megapixel size. When it finish, I scale down to 1megapixel to upload it here. After I scale it down, not knowing that I haven't save it to jpg, I do editing again, and accidentally overwrite my master file. I try to undo it, but it's to late. My 3megapixel painting gone forever..